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Get Present: Five Senses

Jeanette Renee • Oct 23, 2022

Feel like you're missing shit? Guess what... you are.

The last time you received upsetting news, what did you do? Did your brain go a million miles an hour thinking 'What did I do to get here?" or maybe "How the heck am I going to fix this?" followed by most likely a whole train of thoughts until something happens and suddenly you are saying "okay... let's get back to emptying the dishwasher". 

We call that "removal from the present" and while brainstorming is not a bad thing, it will not help us in this moment. Our body LOVES going into panic mode, and then starts processing the what-if's and how-to's faster than we can say "What the *$%#**&?!?!" If you'd like to release yourself from the roller coaster of over firing your brain, check out this video, and then put it into practice. 

By Jeanette Renee 24 Oct, 2022
The power of nature is unmeasurable, and long lasting.
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